Thursday, September 9, 2010

'Ello, World!

I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while now. It all started almost two years ago, when I first discovered the world of wedding blogs. Since then, I've gone on to obsess over home design blogs, mommy blogs, fashion blogs... you get the point. It was probably about a year ago that I knew I had to start one of my own. It was the right thing to do.

For months, the only thing holding me back was a name. Something clever but not cheesy, somewhat witty, not too embarrassing. Eventually, I decided on something that I thought I could live with.

It was finally time to make the big reveal. The first person I told about my forthcoming blog was my BFF, MG. I excitedly told her of my big plans and then waited for an enthusiastic response. "Cool idea," she said. Success! I had my first fan. But wait, she was still talking. "You do realize that me and your sister are the only ones that will read it though, right?" Well, at least I had my first reader.

Next, I was ready to tell my husband, Toby. He cut right to the chase. "No offense," he began, "but are you.... interesting... enough to have a blog?" Fair enough.

Well, my plans may have been shelved for a few months in the face of this less-than-enthusiastic reaction, but I am proud to announce that Bless this Jess is now officially off the ground! Check back often for uninteresting stories from my boring life that only my best friend and sister (not even my mom, apparently) would ever be interested in.